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Iconic London

Iconic London hos House of Stars 

Byd snart varmt velkommen til et nyt stjernelækkert makeup mærke - ICONIC LONDON
😍🙌🌟Spiret og udsprunget i London og skabt af en makeup-artist med en drøm om at lave unikke produkter og lade din naturlige glød træde i karakter. 🙌🎇
På kun 6 år har ICONIC LONDON blevet en gamechaanger i makeup og er landet på nogle af de største A-list celebs og mest ikoniske magasiner.✨📸🏆 OG har vundet Danish Beauty Awards
 Det er ICONIC, og du kan nu købe det på vores webshop i næste uge.


From the founder’s bedroom in Essex to 1.5 million Instagram followers and global fame in just six years. ICONIC London is a success story like no other beauty brand.

Showcasing serious glow #GOALS across all social channels with a digital-first mindset, our brand has always championed influencer network marketing, MUA outreach and celebrity ambassador ‘moments’.

Worn by Kim Kardashian, Ariana Grande, Meghan Markle & Beyoncé (to name-check just a few ICONIC babes).

ICONIC isn’t just our brand name, it’s an empowering energy that runs through every thing we do.

We’re a team of bold, straight talking and forward-thinking beauty addicts. We know and love our customers and our passion is to help women and men all over the world to express themselves, feel confident and look their best.

We create stunning makeup at affordable prices that really work (and always offer something a little extra), and we believe no animal should be harmed in the making of our products. We’re totally, and proudly, cruelty free.



Our formulas are the best you can get at a great price. ICONIC pigments are intense and made to last. In our range there’s no passengers. Every product has to earn its place.


We’ve got established customer, MUA and influencer communities and they’re tough critics, but when they love something they’ll tell the world. So, everything we do has to set the bar high; a smart idea that looks good, feels good and does the job.


The ICONIC babe wants the latest polished looks. No neon rainbow eyeshades needed; they’re all about a neutral palette and a lit-from- within glow. We keep a close eye on trends and spot the ones that we know will work for our customer, then bring to them to life in our own special way.


We love a good story and we know just how to tell them so we make sure every product has one. We don’t just make
a lip-gloss, we make a plumping lip-gloss.


We love to give. Whether it’s gorgeous products complete with super useful hints and tips, or our hands-on customer service, we meet our girl halfway in everything we do. Some call it over-delivering. We just call it playing nice.

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